Girl in Dior Girl in Dior

- Cover image of the graphic novel written by Annie Goetzinger and illustrated by the artist Bil Donovan. -
In 1947, when Christian Dior debuted with his first fashion show in avenue Montaigne, marked an epochal turning, revolutionizing the world fashion system thanks to the so-called New Look. Since then, Dior has never ceased to win women over with its innovative stylistic choices that have become milestones and have influenced deeply the way to imagine life and sophistication. The sinuous lines of Dior creations have brought the women's wardrobe to a higher level. The Girl in Dior collection encloses beauty designed for a strong, fragile, sensual and rebellious woman, sometimes almost insolent, but always refined.

- Immagine di copertina della graphic novel scritta da Annie Goetzinger e illustrata dall'artista Bil Donovan. -